Treatment Imaging Flow Cell
The Model FC 310 Treatment Imaging Flow Cell was designed with the Center for Biofilm Engineering to provide imaging from the top of the biofilm during treatment with biocides, removal agents, and other chemical agents. This unique perspective provides imaging of the irregular biofilm surface as it comes into contact with the treatment chemistry. The small liquid volume of the cell minimizes use of valuable chemical compounds. While this flow cell was designed to provide quick installation and access of the disc coupons, allowing installation of disc coupons with attached biofilm (biofilm grown in the CDC, RDR, or IBR Biofilm Reactors), it can also be used to image developing biofilms.
The FC 310 Treatment Imaging Flow Cell is machined from polycarbonate plastic and is completely autoclavable and reusable. The standard influent and effluent connections are barbed ports that accommodate size 16 (1/8 inch; 3 mm ID) tubing. Alternate connections are available.

FC 310 Treatment Imaging Flow Cell
Single channel which can hold 1 x CDC Biofilm Reactor coupon

FC 310
Exploded view of the FC310, including nickel-plated fittings, silicone o-ring, and glass cover slip

FC 375
3-Position Flow Cell Holder/Upright Stage Mount

FC 380
3-Position Flow Cell Holder/Inverted Stage Mount